Words Of Encouragement Can Be Hard To Come By For
Some People, Let Alone Letters Of Encouragement, And Yet
We Live In A World We Could All Use A Little Extra
Hope. If You've Never Written A Letter For The Sole
Purpose Of Inspiring Confidence In Someone Else, Give It
A Try. Write For Someone You Know. Write For Someone
You Don't. Get In The Habit Of Telling Others How Much
They Mean And How Loved They Are, And Tell Yourself
At The Same Time. Build Confidence In Others And You
Will Build Confidence In Yourself. It's Amazing How That
Works!! The Physical Act Of Writing Punces The Words,
Ideas, And Sentiments Into Our Own Long-Term Memory
And Causes Us To Focus Our Attention On Those Words,
Ideas, And Sentiments. Write Creatively And Deliberately,
And Be Vulnerable. Carefully Consider Your Collection
Of Words, Thoughts, And Ideas And Share Them In
A Way That Reveals Your Spirit. Write A Letter You
A Way That Reveals Your Spirit. Write A Letter You
Would Want To Recieve, You Would Delight In, And
A Letter You Would Save For Reading Over & Over
Again. Write A Letter Designed To Inspire. A Hand
Written Letter In This Digital Age Is Rare. Start Writing
More & Watch How Your Life Changes!!
Bulgarian Split Squats
4x8 (8 Each Leg)
4 Rounds:
5x Front Squats 185/125 *Barbell Starts On Ground
10x Pull Ups
300m Run