Thursday, November 12, 2015


Hopes and dreams are a big part of progress in this world.
The biggest success stories of the richest people on the
planet started with someone thinking, hoping, and dreaming.
Then it generally took a lot of hard work, of course,
but that was after the hopes and dreams took hold. People
in any kind of business, or for life in general need to keep
their hopes and dreams alive in order to be productive
and successful. It is not easy for most people to persue
their hopes and dreams with the passion necessary to
become wildly successful. There are too many obstacles
which come into every person's life to bring an abrupt
end to those aspirations, which seemed so attainable 
in one's. It is not simple to bring an idea to a 
successful end. It is easy to become discouraged
and depressed about a situation when things are not
going well. It may be difficult to hold on to hopes 
and dreams a person has instilled into his/her
own mind and thinking. It is important to keep 
hoping and dreaming no matter how dismal the
present may be and the future may appear. 
Nothing is achieved or accomplished without first
being a thought in the mind of a person. 
Don't abandon your hopes and dreams. They are
necessary for your success and happiness!

Back Squat
Good Mornings

3 Rounds:
400m Run
21x C2B Pull Ups
7x Front Squats 185/125


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